Friday, January 31, 2014

"Can You Hear Me Now?" by Sherry Turkle

"Can You Hear Me Now?" by Sherry Turkle: Whether or not we agree with Turkle's assessment of the problems with technology, I think she raises some important issues and questions that we need to ask ourselves as we move ahead. What are some of the most significant questions that you think have been raised as we've discussed articles this semester? Have your ideas or habits changed as a result?


  1. In the article, I connected with the section titled "Virtuality and its discontents" because whenever I'm on Facebook I am always wondering if people think before they post. I feel like too many people share so much information that should be private and that I honestly don't wish to read. Who has had this same experience?

    -Cailyn H.

    1. I feel the same way about that also. Even though it's a social site, keep your personal life to yourself.

      Parris Scott

    2. I agree with you. I don't want to know your every personal detail. I think that tells us you are going on a road trip is fine, just don't tell me every time to take a stop. Do you feel it is the older generation doing more of the personal posting or do you think it is the younger generation?
      Madeline Meyer

    3. I also feel the same way! Especially because I am at the age that a lot of people are having kids. I don't care that you're 26 weeks along, I don't need see the same picture of your belly I saw last week.
      Katie H.

  2. I definitely have had the same experience with Facebook. Some of the posts that people are posting are things that I really didn't need to know. Or they post what their doing, what their eating etc. I guess some people just don't have a life and feel the need to post everything they do.

    - Melanie H.

  3. Something that I thought was interesting was how Turkle quoted someone whose phone crashed and they thought it was the end of the world, that they just might die. It really is sad that some people can not live without technology; that they have to have it with them 24/7. Does anybody else feel the same way?

    - Melanie H.

    1. I agree with you! It really is sad that people are so dependent on their cellphones/other devices these days. I would be a little lost if my cellphone crashed because I wouldn't have a way to get in contact with my parents if I needed to. It wouldn't be the end of the world though!

      -Cailyn H.

    2. I agree. Personally it makes me laugh to see people that dependent upon technology. I am one that hates my phone. When it goes off it annoys me beyond belief. I do not identify with the dependency. However, I do identify with dependency, to an extent, on actual people that I love.

    3. Cailyn, Your comment made me laugh because I feel like I am someone who is very dependent on my phone.. It is sad! I wish I didn't rely on it for so much. I need to work on being better about not having my phone with me as much!
      Kaylee c

  4. If you have such a problem with seeing people's posts on Facebook, than you have the ability to either remove them or yourself from Facebook. Mindlessly wandering Facebook is just as much as a problem as mindlessly posting on Facebook is. What would the world be like if we didn't have Facebook?
    -Jonathan Mifflin

  5. It's sad to see how much people are addictive to the internet and their phones. I was at a family barbeque awhile back and most of cousins were on their phones. I asked one of them who they are texting and he pointed across the room. I couldn't believe that they weren't talking face to face but on their phones 10 feet away from each other.

    Parris S.

    1. I feel the same way. I hate when I am with friends and the whole time they are using their phone instead of interacting with the people around them.

      -Saurab Deepak

    2. Saurab I am the same way. I have made it a goal recently to not be on my phone as much and to actually be with the people that I am with. Anyone else feel that way sometimes?
      Kaylee c

    3. My friends are the same way. It definitely gets on my nerves.
      Katie H.

  6. I like that she points out that people across the gateway of technology are prioritized higher than those close to home. I catch myself doing it all the time when texting a friend during class. Although the subject is important, the act is still disrespectful to the professor. What other seemingly useless activities do people participate in that prioritize far away friends higher than those in front of us?
    -Cimmarron LaFollette

  7. It is definitely interesting to see how we let technology change our perception of now. Some of the most intense and valuable conversations I have ever had have been a result of person to person contact. I can't recall a Facebook post or a text that has changed my life, if you have I'm curious what it was.

  8. The E-Card made really laugh. I have a bunch of friends that are ALWAYS on their phones. It's almost like you can't have a real conversation with them because they pre-occupied looking at something on social networking cites. People shouldn't be that dependent on their phones.
    Katie H.
