Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"The ABCs of E-Reading"

Here is the link for "The ABCs of E-Reading" by Fowler and Baca.  How many of you own Kindles or read e-books on your iPod or tablet? How do you prefer to experience books, now that so many options are available?

Also, to supplement our discussion about e-readers, here is a New York Times article that compares the environmental impact of books vs. E-readers. It's not an assigned reading, but it's an interesting text to compare to the one by Fowler and Baca:
"How Green is My iPad?" by Daniel Coleman and Gregory Norris

And finally, this graphic sums up how I feel about real books! Is anyone else as nerdy as I am??


  1. I have never used an e-reader, but I might want to give one a try in the future. To anyone in the class who owns one, what is your favorite thing about your e-reader and what brand do you have?

    -Cailyn H.

    1. I just downloaded ibooks onto my iphone, and my favorite thing about it is that I can read a book on it pretty much anywhere at anytime. It's a lot easier than having to carry a book with you everywhere you go if you want to read.

      - Bryson M.

  2. I personally think e-readers are a great idea, but I also understand that for some people to get full enjoyment out of the book that they're reading, it has to be a printed copy. Does it matter to you guys if the book you are reading is printed or not?

    - Bryson M.

    1. I would much rather have an e-reader than a printed book just because I find it to be more convenient. If I were a heavy reader who would collect books, they would probably be lying all over my house. With an e-reader, I would be able to save any book I want to read right on the reader without having to worry about making a mess.

      - Sal M.

  3. I haven't tried an e-reader yet, but I have a feeling that I would prefer books. I like to see actual progress when I read a book and according to the article, page numbers are an issue. That would bug me! Also, this is coming from a person who is not really used to all the new fancy gadgets anyway. You should see my cell phone!

    -Cailyn H.

    1. I completely agree with you! I like to read and see my progress as well. I also like seeing the physical collection of books I have read on my book shelf. Plus, I don't have to worry about a paper book ever dying on me in the middle of me reading.

  4. My mom is a very avid reader and used to go to the library once a week and pull out three novels every time. Now that she has her e-reader she doesn't go to the library at all. Do you guys think that these devices could cause the death of the library as we know it?
    -Alex P.

    1. I love my e-reader, and I have also stopped going to the library going since i bought it. Yet, I don't believe that they will disappear. Many people can't afford to buy e-readers, so for many it is an affordable way to enjoy reading.
      -Hope Franks

    2. I agree that many people can not afford e-readers so I dont think they would have any impact on libraries. I think libraries will always exist.

      -Saurab Deepak

  5. What I like about e-readers is how easy they are to travel with. Instead of carrying around lots of big books, i can carry one small, light weight item. I also like the idea about saving paper. I must admit though nothing beats the feel of the rough pages as you turn them.

    -Amos Pierce

  6. I love my e-reader, it gives me to option to read several different books at one time. The fact that they are cheaper than a paper book. I also love the feel and smell of a paper book they bring back memories. Does anyone else just love the feel and smell of books?
    -Hope Franks

  7. I have an e-reader and I do like to use it, but if I had a choice I would choose paper. I have grown up reading paper books my entire life and I didn't start using an e-reader since college. I can focus more reading a paper book, anyone else feel the same?

    - Melanie H.

    1. I do feel the same. Paper books just seem to keep my attention more than e-readers. I have a hard time reading for a long period of time on an e-reader but with paper books I dont have that probelm.

      -Saurab Deepak

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. For me, I absolutely cannot concentrate on reading something on a bright screen. For me to even be able to finish a page, it must be on paper(book). Does anyone else feel the same, or do e-readers work just fine for you?
    -Jonathan Mifflin

    1. I am the same way. I cannot concentrate when reading anything on a screen. I have to reread several times before I comprehend.
      -Cimmarron LaFollette

    2. I am the same way. Something about actual books almost helps me concentrate more on whats happening and helps me stay focused? If that makes sense. HA
      Kaylee C

  10. I felt the article was flooded with statistics that made it hard to read. I kept trying to keep track of them all and make sense of the incoming ones as I read. I also wanted to point out that I know many people that have bought online books for their device that have never read them. They have bought them for the sake of having them. Do we do the same thing with physical books? I mean do we collect them just to have them?
    -Cimmarron LaFollette

    1. I know many people who have done that with physical books. They have bookshelves filled with books but have never read most of the books. They just bought them for show I guess.

      -Saurab Deepak

  11. I own a Kindle and absolutely love it. I am a person that hates having a cluttered room. With a kindle I can the entire series of Harry Potter without having all seven of those fatty books eating my book shelf like a fat kid eating Oreos.. My Kindle offers me a slimmer and skinnier story and while still telling the same story as paperback. Am I the only one that feels the way?

  12. I have a kindle as well and I love it. I however, find that I prefer reading paper back books vs electronic books. I use my kindle for fan fiction reading mostly. Do you find it harder to read on an electronic screen vs paper back?
    Madeline Meyer
