Monday, April 7, 2014

"And They Lived Happily Ever After ... If They Married" by Carson Tueller

Here's a great illustration to jump start our conversation on Tueller's essay about Disney princesses! Do you agree with Tueller's arguments? Ultimately, do you feel that the stereotypes perpetuated by Disney are damaging to young girls and women? 


  1. I don't believe that Disney movies are having a damaging effect on young girls today. Disney didn't not create the stereotype standards for women. Humans did, both men and women have stereotypes that have been placed on them. Disney has just run with those stereotypes for years and just recently have they tried to change these ideas and thoughts within their movies. Does anybody else have a different idea or thought to this? Do you think that Disney movies are causing lasting damages to girls and young women?
    -Hope Franks

    1. I agree, it was no Disney who started this! Everybody that I have talked to grew up with Disney and it's ridiculous to think that Disney is said to be destroying how girls think about themselves.
      - Melanie Hooper

    2. Young children are easily influenced. If Disney movies are mostly about finding true love, then most young children who spend their time watching these movies will become influenced in finding true love which I think is wrong

      - Sal Mouhammad

  2. Reading this article I thought how its really sad how people are really taking this seriously. They think something fictional as Disney is changing how young girls think of themselves. It's Hollywood, they're making movies that everyone will love. It's made up, 100 % not real. So comparing young girls today to made up Disney Princesses is really just sad. Does anybody else agree or disagree?
    - Melanie H.

    1. Melanie,
      I totally agree with you! When I hear about these articles and moms actually being worried about there girl getting damaging messages from Disney.. Its comical to me.
      Kaylee C

  3. I like the way Disney is going now. However I think that they were very stereo typical in they way that they said that all girls should find a price and get married as soon as they find them. Does anybody else really like they way Disney is going now?
    Madeline Meyer

    1. I agree with you! I do not see the big deal about the Disney princesses. But I do however think they may have influence on the way young girls feel about guys. That there is a prince just waiting for them and that their whole role in life is to find him. Although I honestly watched Disney princess movies all the time growing up and I realize they are not realistic at all, so I definitely do not think they make any long lasting change in what girls think.

  4. I couldn't disagree more. Disney is not damaging to young girls or women! If anything, Disney is sending children good messages. Honestly, Disney is the least of our worries. Think about all the junk and inappropriate tv that is out there today. Prettttttty sure I'm not too worried about my kids watching Disney. Right???
    Kaylee C

  5. I just think this whole debate is ridiculous. Disney has done far more good and should be praised for what they have done not ridiculed. They have inspired and enlarged the imagination of kids everywhere. Anybody watch a movie that is life changing?

  6. I think people are completely over analyzing the whole thing. Disney doesn't have hidden messages. Disney creates the princesses so that our youth have someone to look up to. I also agree with Kaylee, Disney is the least of our worries.
    Katie H.

    1. I agree I dont think disney is trying to have subliminal messages. They are trying to present a whoelsome product for the youth

      -saurab deepak
