Monday, April 7, 2014

"Video Games and Aggression: A Link to Violence?" by Viet Nguyen

According to Nguyen's essay, the main problem with the argument that video games cause violence is that the research is flawed and inconclusive. Do you agree? Can you think of a better way to conduct research on the link between games and violence?


  1. I agree with Nguyen's assessment. I think being addicted to anything can be dangerous not just video games. But video games are easy to blame because of their popularity.

    -Saurab Deepak

    1. I agree, I think Nguyen was just pointing out video games as something that is a common issue. Addiction can go a whole lot farther than just video games. Video games just happen to be something that most people can blame for violence and aggression.
      -Melanie H.

    2. I agree with this statement. That it may not be the video game it self, but the fact that they are addictive and like another thing that is addictive, when you take it away you get violet. What is the one thing that you find most addictive in your life?
      Madeline Meyer

    3. I agree as well. Addictive behaviours can be very hard to maintain. People need to have more self discipline

      - Sal Mouhammad

    4. I agree too. The addictiveness that is associated with playing video games is what seems to me to be the most unhealthy.

  2. I don't think I agree with the whole idea that video games are the reason behind violence in children, or that video games shape children's lives. I feel that its in the own persons mind and even the parental guidance whether or not children are violent. Statistics show that in the past 20 years violent crimes is at its lowest. Im not saying that video games is the reason for decline, but it is certainly not the helping cause of violence.

    -Jake R.

  3. I do think that video games can bring out aggression at times, but to a certain extent. I don't think they're as bad as a lot of people make them out to be.

    - Bryson M

    1. I dont think video games are any worse than movies or music. Every game now days has an age rating just like movies anyway and the really violent games can't be purchased by children under 18 unless their getting their parents to buy it for them. In which case its the parents responsibility to monitor their children.

      - Saurab Deepak

    2. I agree that video games have ratings and that its the parents responsibility to know what their child is playing.
      -Hope F

    3. bryson, I agree.
      Video games can bring our aggression but so can almost anything else. Video Games should be limited but I don't think it is necessarily the source of kids violence.
      Kaylee C

    4. I also agree. It is our own responsibility to monitor this all. If you feel violent while playing a video game or after you should stop. And if you notice it in your kids, you should stop their play too.
      Katie H.

  4. I like how Nguyen assessed this because there really is not enough research to prove that video games leads to violence or aggression. On the other hand I can see why people would say it does. Having brothers who do like to play video games a lot, it's interesting to see how they act after playing for hours. Sometimes they are more irritable and did at times act out. Just having personal experiences with this, I can see both sides. Anybody else have similar experiences?
    - Melanie H.

    1. I just had this experience with a roommate. He was playing video games for over a day straight and then the internet went out and he went crazy. Was mad with rage. All over not being able to play a video game for an hour.

      -Saurab Deepak

  5. I came across a statistic that aggression and rage while playing video games happens with in the first 10-15 minutes. I believe that it is safe to say that the most popular shooter video games that are out there are Call of Duty and Halo, the average time for these online matches are 10-15 minutes. Anyone else who plays Online shooter game will probably relate to the amount of frustration that happens in that 10-15 minutes.

    -Dylan T.

    1. I totally agree! I don't play video games that much anymore but I used to be a big Call of Duty player. Being really good at the game, going on a death streak would really frustrate me. not to the point to get violent but I would just turn the game off.

      Parris Scott

    2. HAHA I feel the same way. I remember awhile back Nerf came out with a controller so, when it was thrown it wouldn't break. I thought it was pretty funny but also sad because that shows that their is a market for it.

  6. In a way in think video games can contribute to violence. Not so much as hurting somebody else but breaking something. Video games can be so aggravating at times if you cant pass that certain mission or playing online getting killed all the time. To the point of ever hurting somebody? I've never felt that way but to others, they may.

    Parris Scott

    1. I think video games can definitely cause frustration which can lead out into the real world.

      -saurab deepak
