Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Selling Happiness: Two Pitches from Mad Men

The following links will take you to YouTube clips of the popular AMC series, Mad Men.

The first clip   is from the very first episode of the series, and shows Don Draper making a pitch for Lucky Strike Cigarettes: "Mad Men: It's Toasted."

The second shows a pitch for the Kodak Carousel: "Mad Men: Carousel."

As you watch the clips, consider how the use of a single word, or the choice of one word over another, can increase the persuasive appeal of an advertisement.

"Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals"

Here is the link to the article by Jib Fowles, "Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals." Although the article is pretty dated (it was first published in the journal Etc. in 1982), the information is still sound. Do you agree with the items in this list? Can you think of any appeals that could be added to the list? Do any of them overlap to the point that they could be combined or removed?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"A Portfolio of Advertisements"

Take a look at each of these print advertisements and be prepared to talk about them in class on Friday. What is the advertisement trying to sell? What kinds of tactics do they use to make their product look appealing?