Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals"

Here is the link to the article by Jib Fowles, "Advertising's 15 Basic Appeals." Although the article is pretty dated (it was first published in the journal Etc. in 1982), the information is still sound. Do you agree with the items in this list? Can you think of any appeals that could be added to the list? Do any of them overlap to the point that they could be combined or removed?


  1. Advertisement is everywhere and anywhere do you think that it plays a part of what your buying? Is it influencing your decision?
    -Hope F.

    1. I feel like advertising does what it should. It gets me to buy things I don't need. It draws my attention it was made to do. Often times I find my self singing and quoting the commercials along with them. What commercial get in to your head and just stays there?

    2. Advertising for sure plays a part of what I buy sometimes. Magazines are the worst for me and sometimes I will see something on TV that they make look so great so of course I need to buy it to try it. But don't we all do that at times?
      Kaylee c

  2. This article changed the way I look at advertising. I have seen what feels like millions of advertsisings over the course of my life span. I have never really thought about how different advertisings use different appeals. What are some of the appeals that appeal to you most?

    -Dusty Hinze

  3. Dusty I'm right there with you. Thus knowledge has changed the way I look at everything that comes on the tv and internet.
    Kyle K.

  4. I agree with you guys. Whenever I see ads now I notice the appeals used in them.

  5. I think now knowing how all these different kinds of advertisements are used and when they are used, I am beginning to acknowledge them more often and appreciate them as well.

    -Sal Mouhammad
