Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Portfolio of TV Advertisements

Here are the links for the TV advertisements.  Click on the links and watch each ad, and keep in mind the 15 Advertising Appeals as you watch them.  Which appeals are used? Are the ads effective? Why or why not?

Volkswagon: Snowplow
Union Carbide: Chick
Alka Seltzer: Spicy Meatball
Quaker Oats: Mikey
Coca-Cola: Mean Joe Green
Federal Express: Fast Talker
Pepsi Cola: Archaeology
Levi's: Launderette
Jeep: Snow Covered
Energizer: Darth Vader
Got Milk?: Aaron Burr
The Gap: Pardon Our Dust
Honda: Physics
Sony Bravia: Bunnies
Dove: Onslaught
Tide to Go: Interview
Planters Peanuts: Perfume


  1. I liked the Honda commercial the most out of all of these.It was a longer one compared to the others, but I didn't notice while I was watching it because I was so intrigued. In my opinion, the primary appeal was "Need for aesthetic sensations" because it was so pleasing to the eyes. I think a secondary appeal would be "Need to satisfy curiosity" because I found myself wondering who created this idea and how much time and effort was needed to make such an awesome commercial. To anyone who would like to respond: Do you agree with the appeals I chose or would you choose different ones?

    -Cailyn Holcomb

    1. I agree, I thought this one was one best ones, because of how creative it really was.

      - Bryson M

    2. I both agree and disagree. I agree to the general population it would fit into both of those appeals, but I am a mechanic so it does not. The ad, for me, contains the need to affiliate, prominence, and achievement.

  2. The Federal Express commercial made me laugh because it is the exact same as the Jimmy Johns radio commerical (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrxE_KCnO44). Its funny how Jimmy Johns somewhat copied Federal Express. The basic appeal I feel as if it is "Need to Satisfy Curiosity." The people talking fast reassures people that Federal Express is fast delivery I guess? Whats your opinion?

    -Jake R.

  3. Yeah, it was definitely a way for people to see that Fed Ex can deliver quickly. I prefer Jimmy Johns though! They make my sandwiches so fast and I think it's awesome! It's okay that they copied the idea because they can actually live up to that claim.

    -Cailyn Holcomb

  4. I thought the Planters Peanuts commercial was hilarious. They used the need for sex, but in more ironic, opposite way.

    - Bryson M

    1. I agree that it was funny and at the same time I can see how many women would find it insulting. With that being said the ad could have backfired and caused many issues.
      -Hope F.

    2. I liked the Planters Peanuts one too! It was my favorite. It made me laugh.. and those kinds are the best ;)
      Kaylee C

    3. I completely agree. It was very well thought out.
      Katie H.

  5. I thought that the Levi ad used sex appeal to the extreme. In so much that it over shadowed what the ad was selling.
    -Hope F.

    1. I agree! In a couple of the commercials they did that a lot making it really confusing to see what the ad was actually selling.
      - Melanie H.

    2. I agree also. The commercial focused so much on the actors, that the pants didn't even matter.

      Parris Scott

    3. I agree as well, The only beneficial part of the ad was towards the end when they finally decided to show what they were advertising.

      Sal Mouhammad

  6. I thought that the dove onslaught ad was the most interesting. At first it seems like the obvious appeal is the need for sex. Women are undressed, dancing, and there is even a couple naked bodies. However, the ad then turns to the need to nurture and safety for our children. It showed the extent that women go to, to match the industries view. Any further thoughts?

    1. I really enjoyed the dove commercial as well. It was refreshing and different compared to the other ads.

  7. At first I didn't know what to think about the GAP commercial at first, I had no idea what the commercial was even trying to get at. Completely destroying the store and driving a car right into it, that was just a little bit up and over the top. Anybody body else feel the same way?
    - Melanie H.

    1. I was kind of confused of what they were trying to advertise to. But overall, the commercial was funny and I liked it.

      Parris Scott

    2. I thought the gap ad was interesting as well. I do not think they advertized what they wanted to well. It was entertaining though for sure.

  8. Anyone else think the got milk ad was completely uncreative? Most of the milk ads ive seen have been terrible in my opinion.

    -Saurab Deepak

    1. I agree. There very boring. No energy is ever provided my the actors also.

      Parris Scott

    2. I feel as though a lot of the got milk ads are so boring. Never catches my interest or sparks a lot of curiosity.
      Katie H.

    3. There was only one funny got milk ad, I think it played only a few times before they took it down. It was with Dwayne ' The Rock " Johnson, you guys should check it out

      - Sal Mouhammad

  9. In the advertisement of the Volkswagen it used the need to affiliate and the need to satisfy curiosity. What do you think is the most catchy of all the appeals when watching an commercial?
    Madeline Meyer

  10. I enjoyed the Pepsi Ad. I thought it was pretty funny because Coke products and Pepsi products are always battling against each other. So it made me laugh.
    Kaylee C

    1. I enjoyed this one too. It made me laugh also.
      Katie H.

  11. I really enjoyed the Honda Physics ad. I can't imagine how much time and patience that must have taken. It was a little confusing figuring out what the ad was selling.

    1. I enjoyed the Honda Physics ad as well. The fact that they put so much time into making it was well worth it. But I agree that It took awhile actually figure out what the ad was advertising. Unless you are a car enthusiast, you won't figure it out til the very end.

  12. I really enjoyed the Sony Bravia commercial. The appeal was probably the need for curiosity and aesthetics.The bunnies are what kept me curious while the music and the flow of the ad was aesthetically appealing.

    1. I agree it was a very unique ad and that made it very appealing.

      -saurab deepak

  13. The GAP ad was hilarious. But it didn't in any way make me want to buy my clothes from there. It just made me laugh. And if anything it kind of scared me. Any one else feel the same?
    Katie H.
