Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Selling Happiness: Two Pitches from Mad Men

The following links will take you to YouTube clips of the popular AMC series, Mad Men.

The first clip   is from the very first episode of the series, and shows Don Draper making a pitch for Lucky Strike Cigarettes: "Mad Men: It's Toasted."

The second shows a pitch for the Kodak Carousel: "Mad Men: Carousel."

As you watch the clips, consider how the use of a single word, or the choice of one word over another, can increase the persuasive appeal of an advertisement.


  1. I think that it's really interesting how just about anyone can come up with a clever way to sell anything. These clips definitely apply today, it's seen on billboards along the freeway or commercials on the TV. Company's will do just about anything to sell their product. Does anybody else agree?
    -Melanie H.

    1. I agree with you we are constantly being bombarded with different companies selling the same thing yet all that's different is the wording or slogan.
      -Hope F.

    2. I also agree that company's will do just about anything to sell their product. I feel as though the companies lie to us the consumers a lot of the time but we don't realize it because they are so witty with their wording.
      -Katie H.

    3. I agree. Think about all the slogans out there or even just one word that makes you think of a certain product. For me, I think it is pretty clever because it does help advertising and help to get people to recognize their product.
      Kaylee c

    4. I also agree with everyone. Companies are pretty sneaky and will do just about anything to sell their products.
      Katie H.

  2. It was intriguing to see how the use of a word can change the idea for the viewer. Did anyone have similar experience with the two clips?
    -Hope F.

    1. I did. The emotion of the second clip really sold me the product. He seemed so into it and made you want to feel the same way.

      Parris Scott

    2. I had the same experience. That one word completely swayed me.

      -Saurab Deepak

  3. I love how when watching commercials its the little things that get in to your head. The catchy song or the big dude on the horse. I Its all in the way you word things. What kind of things get in to your head?
    Madeline Meyer

    1. "Smiths.. Market Fresh everydayyyyy.. Smiths"
      What are some other good ones??
      Kaylee C

  4. It is interesting the power that words can have to influence an individual. Think of how Obama used the words "change" and "hope" in his campaign.

  5. It was so interesting to see how powerful one word could be. It can change a product so much. People have emotional attachments to certain words and companies use that to their advantage.
    Katie H.

    1. I agree that one word can completely persuade someone. Its really crazy to think about.

      -Saurab Deepak
