Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"A Portfolio of Advertisements"

Take a look at each of these print advertisements and be prepared to talk about them in class on Friday. What is the advertisement trying to sell? What kinds of tactics do they use to make their product look appealing?


  1. I find it interesting how once you analyze a advertisement, there is much more thought put in it then you think.

  2. I agree with that sometimes we see ads on TV and think that must have taken like 15 minutes to put together. When actually they spend a lot of money and they put so much thought into what they are doing to get peoples attention.

    -Melanie H.

    1. I agree with all of you as well. The ads look so simple while it takes so much time to put together. They look at angles, colors, lines, feelings emitted. A group I was apart of was asked to create an add for an engineering class and could not believe how hard it actually was to make the ad look appealing.
      -Cimmarron LaFollette

  3. I agree as well, it's amazing how something that looks so simple, can be so complex.

    - Bryson M

    1. Its a different way to look at advertising..they are appealing to your subconscious

  4. Just looking at how old most of these advertisements are and comparing them to some of today's advertisements, it's interesting to see what advertising tactics have changed or stayed the same. What do you guys think?
    - Bryson M

    1. I agree just looking and seeing the difference and similarities puts advertisement into a different perspective.
      -Hope F.

    2. I agree also. little things like the camera angle and attitudes make a huge difference in a advertisement.

      Parris Scott

    3. The look of advertisements has changed a lot, but a lot of the tactics have stayed the same.
      Katie H.

  5. I agree with Bryson, it's so interesting to see the way that advertising has changed and how it has stayed the same. We don't usually realize that so much thought goes into advertising, it looks so simple and yet it is so complex.
    -Katie H.

  6. We talked about how people's needs are used as appeals in advertising. Are there any needs present in ads that do not fit under the 15 already talked about?

  7. I like the advertisement that jeep made. They had the need to dominate in the add and the need for attention. Yes I think there are appeals that we do not have on that list. especially since that we have grown so much sense these 15 appeals were put out. What do you think is one of the appeals that is not in this list?
    Madeline Meyer

  8. I think it is so funny that every time I see a cigarette or even alcohol advertisement they always make it look soooo appealing. They always use attractive people and just almost makes it say that if you smoke our cigarettes you will be so much cooler ha ah anyone else feel that way?

    1. I feel the same way. They make me kind of want to try it just because it looks cool.
      Katie H.

  9. I wonder how wasted that guy with the big bottle of whiskey was. It was fun looking through some of those older ads. Brought me back to some ads that I remember as I child. The Resses Puff rap, Baby Bottle Bop, Sock em' boppers etc. Anybody else have commercial that they remember for their childhood?

  10. I found it interesting how much more text used to be on the older ads. Apparently we have lost our attention spans to read too much writing.

    1. I thought that was interesting too. And then I thought about it more and I really don't read the advertisements that are long. I like the shorter-straight to the point kind of ones.
      Katie H.
